Sunday, 8 July 2007

More about art

Sunday 4am

While everyone can draw, you have to want to do it. And I think that depends on your personality type. We are all a mixture of course, but often one type seems to predominate. Like I said I am arty - I have to draw, and if I cannot or do not, the urge to do so becomes stronger and stronger and I begin to feel frustrated and trapped but do not know why. Other people are more gregarious. They love to talk, are good company, they remember your name and birthday, but paint a picture ? why would you want to do that when you can go out and buy one ? My middle son is like that. Recently he was ill and stuck at home and while I can quite happily spend hours alone, he wandered aimlessly around the house, complaining of boredom but really just looking for someone to talk to. Some people are musical, some are sporty and express themselves through touch and the physical side of things. Having written this it seems to be all to do with the senses, so there must be people out there who work through taste and smell - the cooks and wine buffs amongst us. I know we each have different learning styles as well - visual, auditory, spacial etc which goes with the above and if you learn in the way that suits your style you will learn much easier and faster. But if you want to try something outside of your natural abilities, why not ? - just go for it. People will laugh, the teacher may ask you to leave, but so what, that is more a reflection on them than you and once you have had a go you can continue or do something else. Ballroom dancing, that is what I would like to try. I wonder where Nicola left her shinpads and safety boots . . . . . .

1 comment:

Nicola said...

As long as you don't wear a kilt again while dancing we should be OK.

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