Tuesday, 18 September 2007


Tuesday 6.45am

I hurt somebody close to me with my last post. It was unintentional, and the post was not about what she thought it was. But it happened and I regret it. In lettering, in drawing and music I think it is the spaces inbetween the lines and the notes that just as important as what is written. And in relationships as well, sometimes it is what you don't say that is as important as what you do say. I am not a cruel person and would never knowingly hurt another living thing, so this is my last post. From now on my thoughts will remain private, just for me.

All those . . . moments . . . . will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

Blogs are strange, quite often the person just stops posting and you are left wondering why. So if you have stumbled upon this one, I hope this explanation helps. The quote is from Bladerunner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stop being such a Prima Donna and just get on with it you big moan.

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