Sunday, 31 January 2010

Van Gogh

All is green and grey today. But so many greens and so many shades of grey.

Wet and wild as well, everything above and around is moving, swirling . . . full of life.

It is on days like these that I feel I see the world as Van Gogh did.


Laura Paine Carr said...

The movement of the wind in the green green green trees is wonder filled. It is easy, much of the time, to see through the eyes of Van Gogh.

In Amsterdam we went to the Van Gogh museum. I came away wishing that he hadn't been so unhappy, because his work continues to enchant and thrill so many.

Thanks for a moment to think about that...

Peter said...

"easy" an apt way to describe a movement that just feels "right" I feel the same when listening to the waves on the beach and to my breathing during yoga when I get it right and everything just flows . . .

You are so lucky as well, I have never seen a Van Gogh painting in real life . . . but one day!


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