Sunday, 24 February 2008

Tomato and black olive soup

Friday 1pm

Picked a huge bowl full of cherry tomatoes earlier, and there are still lots ripening up so I have no guilt about making half of them into a simple tomato soup.

- Half an onion and a clove of garlic are gently fried in some oil and butter till soft.

- Meanwhile peel and chop a couple of small potatoes for thickening and add them to the pan.

-Then the tomatoes – about three pounds in this case, along with a basil leaf or two.

- Stir and mix everything then add some stock, vegetable or in this case some chicken stock from the fridge that Nicola had made. I added a pint but the soup was a bit thin cos of the amount of liquid from the tomatoes and had to be boiled down a bit until it thickened up so next time I’ll only add half a pint I think.

- Anyway simmer now until the tomatoes and potatoes are cooked and soft about twenty minutes.

- Now the skin and seeds need to be removed which I do by putting a metal sieve over a big jug, pouring in the soup and pushing it through firmly with a wooden spoon.

- Wash the pan and put the soup back in to warm through, season and voila – tomato soup.

And that is how we ate it Nicola and I, sitting outside - a nice simple soup.

But all the way through the cooking I kept thinking it was a bit one dimensional, a though kept popping into my head - black olives. So today (Sunday) I finally got a jar.

- Draining a handful of olives I chopped and squashed them into a paste, then stirred a small desertspoonfull into the rest of the soup and warmed it through.

Delicious and quite pretty – the reddish orange colour speckled through with aubergine flecks. It will be my lunch tomorrow at work.

1 comment:

Veronica said...

I'm meant to be attending to my To Do List, but alas, I have an I.T. issue, and as my I.T. man is not here, i cannot proceed. So, instead I may promptly respond to your comment!

Hopefully Art weeks goes well. Why don't you join me. Maybe if enough people join in old Helen up at The Hive will make it official!

Your soup sounds delicious. I only have one plant, so not enough for soup, but enough to enjoy.

I found a link to (Return I will to old) Brazil music clip on your blog. Quirky and Fabulous!

Have a nice Monday and enjoy your lunch.

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