Saturday, 12 April 2008

A fragment

Saturday 8.24am

A single pair of head lights moves silently towards me through the pools of gathering darkness below. I lean back against the car bonnet and sip beer from a bottle, watching. From my vantage point on the side of this hill the horizon is a bright line ahead, dark ragged clouds cross the sky above and the colour is draining out of the land below. Dusk is just beginning.

The wind buffets me insistently, bringing the clouds closer as a fresh, clean dampness that I can feel on my face and hands. And see too in the droplets forming on my jumper. I shiver contentedly. All around is the quiet tearing sound of the sheep eating, always eating, and on the wind, a distant bird cry.

I feel . . . grey. Like the darkening land that I, even in my melancholy isolation am part of. And content as well. This is how it is. Other people live life whilst I stand on a lonely hillside drinking beer and watch the dusk settle in.

A fragment of a memory, more a feeling really. It was brought on by a single scene of a solitary whale leaping in a deserted marineland pool, in of all things, a car advert.


Nicola said...

Your writing is soo cool. Wish I could write like you.

Anyway, have awarded you an "E" for blogging excellence. You probably dont want it but you are getting it anyway.

love Mrs View from inside my head

Peter said...

Hey, thanks for that. I am honoured, although I do feel a little like it has been stapled to my forehead.

As you know I blog purely for myself, but if anyone else wants to read it thats fine by me.


Veronica said...

Yes well Mrs view from inside my head is right. And bBecause of your recently awarded 'E' I am tagging you with this:

1. Write your own six-word memoir.
2. Post it on your blog (and include a visual illustration if you’d like).
3. Link to the person who tagged you in your post.
4. Tag five more blogs with links.
5. Remember to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.

Im bending the rules and only tagging one person - you. I thought it would suit you as you are good with words. : ) Play if you want to.


Peter said...

this is the advert, just in case anybody ever reads these comments.

Oh and the band is Oh Laura from sweden - the full song is here :-

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